Navesink Foundation Board member and former NBA star Randy Foye hosts a basketball clinic in April 2023, raising $5,000 for the Foundation

Committed to Strengthening Our Community

As the COVID-19 pandemic impacted our area, Navesink Country Club members and their families pulled together, as we have always done, to find a way to help. Through various local channels and efforts, our members stepped up to provide financial and non-monetary support, such as food donations, to area hospitals and first responders. The Club’s efforts during this time of concentrated crisis sparked the idea for establishing an organized, dedicated response mechanism focused on helping address the needs of our Monmouth County community.

The Navesink Country Club Foundation was established in 2021 by unanimous approval of the Navesink Board of Governors. Moving forward as a 501c3 venture, the Foundation will seek to:

  • Leverage the collective comradery and commitment within our membership and staff to make positive, transformative impact in our community.

  • Extend Navesink Country Club’s commitment to offer help and support to address those in need living within our surrounding community.

  • Build on Navesink Country Club's mission to be the preeminent family-oriented club in New Jersey, maintaining deep ties to and a proud history with our local neighbors.

Our Focus

The Navesink Country Club Foundation will initially deploy a dual-focused approach:

  1. Provide support to select, local non-profit organizations that provide basic needs and services, such as food, clothing and shelter, to individuals and families living in Monmouth County.

  2. Establish an emergency-relief fund that can be deployed to deliver appropriate responses and services during times of urgent need within our community.

Our Process:

The Navesink Country Club Foundation welcomes suggestions and requests for support from Club members and local Monmouth County charities. All ideas should be directed to The Foundation Board will meet regularly throughout the year to review submissions from our local community and membership.

Potential beneficiaries should be Monmouth County-based non-profit organizations which focus on providing basic needs and services, such as food, clothing and shelter, to area residents and families. The Foundation is committed to providing transformative financial support to one or more, select and deserving organizations annually.

In addition to annual giving, the Foundation will build an emergency relief fund that can be deployed to deliver appropriate responses and services during times of unique crisis and hardship (such as the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy or the COVID-19 pandemic). In the event of such an emergency, the Foundation Board will meet rapidly to review and deploy emergency funds as appropriate and needed.

In order to raise funding for these efforts, the Foundation will solicit a nominal annual donation from the Navesink membership. In addition, we will host various special fund-raising events throughout the year. Since our launch, several individual Navesink Country Club members also have stepped forward with special donations to support the Foundation and our mission. The generosity of the Navesink Country Club membership is helping establish a robust and promising future for the Navesink Country Club Foundation for many years to come.